Sunday, February 20, 2011

PRIVO - Privacy Certified

For a site to be PRIVO certified, they have to meet the requirements to participate in the Privo Privacy Assurance Program which is approved by the Federal Trade Commission as an authorized safe harbor under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).

To confirm the website your child is playing on legitimatly participates in the Privo Privacy Assurance Program, check the url and make sure the page starts with, 

Privo is an independent, third party provider of youth registration.  In order to be a member of the Privo Privacy Assurance Program, companies must meet definitive standards to assure they are fully compliant with COPPA.  such standards must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure safe and responsible online interactions between websites and children under 13 years old.

Therefore, we recommend parents check to see if the website is Privo certified before allowing the child to play.  But even if the website is certified, parents still need to keep a good eye on what their child is doing on line and to encourage children to not give out any personal information.

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