Saturday, February 19, 2011

COPPA Compliant

·         COPPA
The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, is a federal law (US) created to help protect children online. This law makes it illegal for websites to require a child to provide personal information to use the materials or games on a site. It also requires websites to obtain parental permission before collecting or using a child's personal information, which includes their first and last name, phone number, address or Social Security number. 

Therefore, we recommend parents find websites that comply to COPPA and bookmark these websites so children can easily find them.  We also recommend that parents talk to their children and insist they can only play on websites that have been bookmarked by parents and if they want to play on any other website, they must ask first.

However, despite the website being compliant with COPPA, parents should still explain to their children the dangers of giving out personal information over the Internet and closely monitor their children's Internet usage.

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