Friday, February 4, 2011

Precautions Online

·       Parents should always talk to their children about simple precautions they can take to protect themselves when they are online.  Children should be advised not to post personal information online, even when they believe they are directing it toward a friend or loved one. Parents should also explain that information posted online is permanent, and that pictures and information posted online may be shared or altered by others without their knowledge.
·  Children should understand that they should never post anything online that they wouldn't say to someone in person. Children also need to understand that many people are not what they appear online, and that they need to be extra cautious when "meeting" people online who they don't know.
·  Parents should tell children that they should always trust their gut if they have suspicions that someone online is up to no good, and encourage them to speak up when something happens online that makes them uncomfortable. Parents should also prohibit their children from entering chat rooms, telling their online passwords to friends or meeting people in person.

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